UK Tories’ Unexpected Call for a Snap General Election in July 04,2024

UK ruling conservative party calls for snap general electionTwenty-four hours after UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced last Wednesday that a general election will take place on July 04, he and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer began hitting the campaign trail. Actually, the PM and members of the ruling Conservative Party (Tories) still have up to January of 2025 to complete their 5-year term, but as it is, they have called for a snap general election.

Reason Behind the Ruling Party’s Unexpected Call for a Snap Election

In the UK and under the British parliamentary system, the ruling party is given the right to call for a snap general election at its behest. Yet many believe and hope that the Tories’ decision to do so, will end their 14-year domination of the British parliament.

Leaders of the Democratic Liberal party say that it was disastrous from the start. The Conservative Party’s 14 years in power have seen a succession of ineffective leaders who failed to address the country’s growing domestic problems.

Labour Party UKYet political analysts believe that PM Sunak’s unexpected snap election announcement is a demonstration of his confidence of being able to continue maintaining their power as the ruling party in the British parliament.
Labour leader, Sir Keir said the snap election is all about two choices: To continue under the Tories as a country on a decline and beset by chaos or to be under the Labour Party that will see to the future rebuilding of the country.

Sir Keir added that voters do not have to put up with the Tories’ “unforgivable” records of denials and misinformation while receiving investments from the British government. He remarked that the snap election was the Conservative Party’s way of seeking avoidance of being called out to account on several issues of dishonesty among Tory ministers, including former PM Boris Johnson.

UK to Move Away from Russian Energy by Supplementing Country’s Nuclear and Wind Power Plants

The UK government, through the BBC has bared plans to expand the kingdom’s nuclear power plants and offshore wind farms to increase local energy production. The plans to expand and supplement local energy sources are part of the government’s plan to permanently move away from procuring oil and gas from Russia.

How the British Government Plans to Carry Out Expansion of Nuclear Power Plants

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been reported to have been in meeting and holding talks with prominent personalities associated with the North Sea oil and gas sector; and with representatives of organizations that deal with nuclear and renewable energy The UK PM previously signified intention of seeing UK’s nuclear energy production increase by 25% by the year 2050.

However. the UK Treasury raised concerns that the costs of such plans are not included in the government’s current spending review. Actually, there are six nuclear plants in the UK supplying around 20% of the electricity demand in the country, Yet most of these plants have reactors that will be out of commission before the year 2030, which means they will cease to operate by that period. The construction of new plants therefore will be met with funding complications.

Nevertheless, Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng of the Business Sector gave confirmation that a new body of ministers will be organized to oversee plans of establishing new nuclear power plants. According to reports, the government has been authorized to finance nuclear projects by making customers sunsidize the cost. Share in construction costs as they are incurred will be added to customers’ monthly billing statements.

Government’s Plans to Install Offshore Wind Farms

The BBC report said that PM Johnson has also mentioned his desire to expand energy sources by installing offshore wind power plants.

Offshore plants, as opposed to onshore wind plants,are located over bodies of water like the ocean and not on land. As it is, the Prime Minister was told that while it only takes less than a day to install wind turbines, obtaining approval for onshore wind farms can take about 10 years. The Department of Transportation says many local communities oppose onshore wind farms because they destroy the view of their landscapes.
